The Fat Furnace Workout




Hi Everyone,

Last week, in response to all the awesome comments on Facebook , I promised you an intensive total body workout for today and I think that theThe Fat Furnace Workout delivers. If you are looking for a serious cardio and strength training routine, you are in the right place, because this workout will give you the benefits of both.

Today I included an exercise that is new for me – the explosive Turkish get-up with a wheel. It was hard and that’s why I didn’t do many of them, but they are bittersweet fun.

If you are a regular Subscriber on my channel, then you already know I believe you don’t need a lot of time spent doing endless cardio or weight routines NOR do you need any expensive equipment or even a gym membership, all you need is your body!

New viewers ask me this a lot, and sometimes I am just shaking my head, because honestly if you do these workouts properly, you should be totally spent at the end, not wondering if you should do more! It is important that you understand that you don’t need to spend hours training if your only goal is general conditioning, fat loss, and nice muscle tone. If you are not a professional athlete, then why would you want to torture yourself with hours of endless cardio and weight lifting?

The key is in consistency and intensity.

If you can commit to train 5 times a week, then these workouts will do miracles for you. Members of my Fit Strong and Sexy Community have achieved TRULY fabulous results with less than 40 minutes per day! The results and versatility will make you fall in love with this style of exercising, you will never want to go back to weight training and endless cardio sessions again.

But REMEMBER, YOU are the one who decides how intense your workouts are going to be. That’s why the time challenge is so effective. The more energy you put into your workout, the more calories you will burn, and the more muscle tone you will get.

If you are following my weekly workouts then remember that every time you feel that you had a really hard workout, no matter how long it took, you are on the right track.

The Workout:

Note: To do the real-time workout, become a member of the Fit, Strong and Sexy Community by  joining HERE!

P.S. the 7 Day Plan I refer to in the video has not yet been released officially. To gain access when it comes out, you can enter your email HERE to be notified upon the release!

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Complete Round 1 as fast as you can, record your time below the video ☺ and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for new workouts each week.

  • Jump Rope – 60 reps on one leg
  • Explosive Turkish Get-Up with Wheelie – 5 Reps
  • Jump Rope – 60 reps other leg
  • Explosive Turkish Get-Up with Wheelie – 5 Reps
  • Power Chair Step-Ups – 20 reps on one leg
  • Transverse Planks – 10 reps
  • Power Chair Step-Ups – 20 Reps other leg
  • Gravity-Defying Spiderman – 20 reps

That’s only one round, now repeat one more and share your times, your thoughts and feedback on the workout!

Challenge someone to it as well: all the good social media love:

Instagram: @AmandaRussellFSS
Facebook-Fit Strong and Sexy

Now it’s time to go RAISE the standard on what it means to be FIT!
